Working in Thailand Series: How to be the Boss in Thailand

working in thailand boss

The following post is a chapter from our book, Working in Thailand: How to Ditch the Desk, Board the Flight, and Land the Job, written by Patrick Taylor and Karsten Aichholz.

Buy Working in Thailand on Amazon.

Our premium subscribers get access to this book for free, including the interview with seventeen professions in Thailand. They shared their experiences on what did they do to successfully get a job here, requirements, and what to expect.

The Bosses

Unless otherwise noted, all quotes by Adam Williams and Steven (last name withheld for privacy), bosses.

Among many groups of expats in Thailand, you’ll hear a common refrain when it comes to doing business in Thailand: don’t.

Come here for a holiday, by all means. Retire here, even. But there are few opportunities for foreigners here when it comes to doing business. In the cynic’s defense, the odds are certainly against you.

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