With the help of advanced Thai learners – thanks guys! – I’ve compiled a list of Thai study materials that are either Thai only (Thai-Thai) or have been translated from Thai to English (Thai-English). Where applicable, some English-Thai resources have been added.
The resources chosen are for those who want the complete package for learning Thai: Dictionaries, grammar books, full courses, reading and writing courses, pronunciation lessons, typing tutors and games, plus Thai fonts.
Thai Dictionaries…
The dictionaries in this list start from Thai-Thai at the top and morph down to Thai-English.
Thai-Thai Dictionaries:
RSD Dictionary: Online
Website: Office of the Royal Society
Android app: Royal Society Mobile Thai Dictionary
iOS app: Royal Society Mobile Thai Dictionary

คลังคำ by ดร.นววรรณ พันธุเมธา
Author: Nawawan Phanthumetha (2001)
ISBN: 974-272-271-4
Thai-English Dictionaries:

Thai-English Student’s Dictionary
Author: Mary Haas
ISBN: 0804705674
The Green Brick is quite old (1964), and while the advice is to use recent materials, I’m including it because I still reach for it from time to time. NOTE: If you don’t have access (or are lazy for a paper search) the Mary Haas Thai Dictionary Project (TDP) is online at SEAlang.
Online Thai dictionaries:
Longdo Dic
I often can’t get the RID to load so Longdo comes to the rescue.
Mary Haas Thai Dictionary Project (TDP)
As mentioned, this is an oldie but goodie. It’s also another one I go to when the RID doesn’t load.
RSD Dictionary
Official Thai dictionary created by the Royal Society.
I mostly use T2E for parsing Thai text and doing rough translations of phrases, or adding transliteration for my site.
If you don’t know how to spell the the word in Thai script, you can sometimes locate it by dropping the transliteration into thai-language.com’s dictionary.
Smartphone apps (mixture of TT and ET):
iOS: Talking Thai–English–Thai Dictionary
Android: Talking Thai <> Eng Dictionary
Authors: Paiboon Publishing and Word in the Hand.
Note: There are more Thai-English apps to add (later).
Thai Frequency Lists…
Chula’s 5000 Thai words: 2013
Compiled by the Linguistics Dept at Chulalongkorn University.
WLT: Thai Frequency Lists with English Definitions
Thai Grammar books…
The books on this list start from Thai-Thai and work down. For an overiew read Mark Hollow’s Review: A Guide to Thai Grammar Books and Native Thai Texts courtesy of thai-language.com.

ไวยากรณ์ไทย [Thai Grammar]
Author: นววรรณ พันธุเมธา
ISBN: 974-9993276

บรรทัดฐานภาษาไทย เล่ม ๑-๖ Standard Thai, Books 1-4 (5-6 not out yet)
Author: Thai Language Institute, Office of Academic and Educational Standards, Office of the Basic Education Commission, Ministry of Education.
ISBN: 978-974-01-9432-3
Purchase at ศึกษาภัณฑ์พาณิชย์ (Suksapan Phaanit) in Bangkok.

หลักภาษาไทย [The Fundamentals of the Thai Language]
Author: กำชัย ทองหล่อ
ISBN: 978-9742466350

Thai Reference Grammar A Reference Grammar of Thai
Authors: Shoichi Iwasaki and Preeya Ingkaphirom
ISBN: 978-0521108676 (paperback)

Thai Reference Grammar: The Structure of Spoken Thai
Authors: James Higbie and Snea Thinsan
ISBN: 978-9748304960

Thai: An Essential Grammar
Author: David Smyth
ISBN: 978-0415226134 (paperback)
Thai Alphabet and Reading Thai…

Introduction to Thai Reading
Author: Rungrat Luanwarawat
ISBN: 9789745241039

“หัดอ่านภาษาไทยแบบใหม่” ไสว สุนทร
Learning to Read Thai the New Way, Volumes 1 – 7
Author: Suwai Suntorn
ISBN: 9749317246

Reading and Writing Thai
Author: Somsonge Burusphat
ISBN: 9789749480304
Audio files (free download): Reading and Writing Thai

Read Thai in 10 Days
Author: Bingo (Arthit Juyaso)
ISBN-10: 1505679524
Course book with audio files.

Read Thai in 2 Weeks
Author: Brett Whiteside
Online Thai course with audio.
WLT’s review: Learn to Read the Thai Alphabet in 2 Weeks, 10 Days, 60 Minutes?
AUA’s Reading and Writing videos
AUA teaches the ALG (Automatic Language Growth) method.
e-Learning at Sriwittayapoknam
Excellent resource for learning alphabet pairs. Also includes comprehension tests, maths, games and more. For an overview go to: e-learning at Sriwittayapaknam.
Website for Thai kids’ learning materials, pdf downloads from grades 1-6. Includes test papers and school books. Overview on WLT: Karn TV: A FREE Education Resource for all Kids.
Thai Reader Project
Volume I is for beginners up to high readers. Volume II is for intermediate to advanced readers. There are 76 lessons (free pdf downloads). Overview on WLT: FREE Resource: Thai Reader Project.
Thai Fiction in Translation
The website of Thai-English translator Marcel Barang where you can purchase translations of Thai classics.
Thai Basic Reader
Online course with audio. Created by Thomas Gething and Pongsuwan Bilmes at the University of Hawaii. Each lesson begins with a passage about Thai society, history, geography, or culture.
Thai Books for the Western Market…

Thai Cultural Reader
Authors: Robert B. Jones, Ruchira C. Mendiones, Craig J. Reynolds
ISBN-10: 0877275033
Manee and Grades 1-6 Thai Courses…
Gla and Geo years 1-6 download
The Gla and Geo Thai coursebooks are no longer being used but are still useful.
Manee years 1-6 download
Generations of Thai students were brought up on the Manee coursebooks and many continue to have fond memories.
Learn Thai with Maanii Books
Online course with audio, transliteration, and translation.
Thai Courses…

Everyday Thai for Beginners
Author: Wiworn, Ph.D. Kesavatana-Dohrs
ISBN: 9789749575970

Progressive Thai
Author: Rungrat Luanwarawat
ISBN: 9745240982

Sabai Sabai
Author: Mahidol University
ISBN: 879-974-11-1005-6

Thai Language and Culture for Beginners Book 1
Author: Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong
ISBN: 978-9747512250

Thai Language and Culture for Beginners Book 2
Author: Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong
ISBN: 978-9747512267
Pickup Thai Podcast
These paid and free courses are some of the most original to be found for learning Thai. Visit Yuki and Miki’s YouTube channel for free video lessons: Pickup Thai.
Illustrations and Recordings. Home of Thai Recordings (set of 120+ five minute clips on everyday topics, with transcripts) and SEA Illustrations – Descriptions in Thai (a growing set of illustrations for language learning, with audio and corresponding vocabulary).
Overview on WLT: Introducing aakanee.com: Thai and Khmer Picture Supported Learning.
ALG (Automatic Language Growth)…
AUA: Learn Thai Language Videos
There are over one hundred free AUA Thai videos on YouTube using the ALG method.
Overview on WLT: AUA Thai Videos on YouTube and AUA’s ALG Thai YouTube Videos at AUAthai.com.
Thai Pronunciation…
Benjawan Poomsan Becker: Improving Your Thai Pronunciation
Audio CD and booklet.
Jcademy: Thai Consonant Map
A phonetic map of the human mouth.
Olle Kjellin’s Method for Improving Your Thai Pronunciation
Method to acquire language porosity by using a range of Thai sentences spoken naturally.
Thai Typing…
The absolute best Thai typing tutor for the Mac (there is no PC equavalant).
Review on WLT: Typing Tutors for Thai: aTypeTrainer4Mac.
Type in Thai
Online course to improve your Thai typing skills and learn new phrases.
Thai Typing Test
Online course to improve your Thai typing speed.
Thai Typing Game
Online Thai typing game by Josh Sager of Let’s Talk Thai.
Thai Fonts…
Free Thai fonts to download.
Scalable Thai fonts
Thai scalable fonts available with free licenses.
Overview on WLT: FREE Thai Fonts: Comparisons & Downloads.
Thai Music Translated…
Carabao in English
Fan-run website dedicated to translating the songs of Carabao into English.
Translations of Thai lyrics into English.
Interesting Thai Specific Resources…
Facebook: BBC Thai: บีบีซีไทย
Thai version of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation).
Self Study Thai
Thai audio, transcripts, English translations and flashcards for news articles from VOA.
Thai Wikipedia
Note: For Thai-Thai, make sure the page hasn’t been translated from English.
Google Thai
Google in Thai.
The top Thai forum around.
Line Thailand
Free mobile messaging app popular with Thais.
True Plookpanya
Online educational centre.
Facebook: fail.in.th
Hilarious Thai snafus shared via submitted photos.
Bilingual ruminations from the fringe (sometimes snarky).
Thai Movies and Videos…
Where to buy Thai movies (search for Thai subtitles).
Review on WLT: Thai Movies: A Relaxing Way to Study Thai.
Thai Radio…
Radio Thailand
Radio stations in Thailand.
Do a search to listen to your favourite Thai radio stations.
93fm radio station on tunein.
Thai PBS radio online (select the station of your choice).
Thai Newspapers also online…
Thai Rath: ไทยรัฐ
The best-selling newspaper in Thailand. Wiki: Thai Rath.
Daily News: เดลินิวส์
The second best-selling newspaper in Thailand. Wiki: Thai Rath.
Khao Sod: ข่าวสด
The third-bestselling newspaper in Thailand. Wiki: Khao Sod.
Kom Chad Luek: คมชัดลึก
Wiki: Kom Chad Luek.
Thai Post: ไทย โพสต
Anti-Thaksin newspaper? Wiki: Thai Post.
Manager Daily: ผู้จัดการรายวัน
Partly owned by PAD. Wiki: Manager Daily.
Thai Books: Online bookstores…
Thai books:
Asia Books
Online bookstore for Asia Books.
Nanmee books
Thai family bookstore.
Online Thai store for SE-ED. Now includes more than books.
Thai ebooks:
Free and pay Thai ebooks.
Thai ebooks. Also has Android and iOS apps.
Online Thai books:
Books to be read online.
SEAlang Lab: Just Read
Stories online with side by side Thai and English.
Digitized manuscripts…
CMUL Digital Heritage Collection
Materials from the Chiang Mai University library.
Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts
Over 12,000 Laos texts accessible for study.
Digitised Manuscripts
Digitised copies of manuscripts and archives in the British Library (you’ll need to search).
Manuscripts of Western Thailand
Database of ancient local literature.
Southeast Asia Digital Library
Administered by Northern Illinois University (NIU) Libraries, SEADL houses the materials from institutions around the world.
Thai YouTube Channels…
SpokeDark TV
Thai TV on the internet.
Thai Cat Cartoons. Thai Cat Cartoon Series on WLT.
Scary Thai channel with horror stories.
Mahidol University Channel
Educational videos from the Art and Science departments.
Click by Mahidol
Click by Chris Delivery. You’ll need to search for more amongst Mahidol’s YouTube channel.
Chula Universities educational YouTube channel.
Thai YouTube…
Subtitled Videos
For upper intermediate Thai learners.
Thai movies with subtitles.
Thai puppet show similar to Sesame Street.
Thai culture YouTube channe.
Hormones วัยว้าวุ่น
Teen show (peppered with slang for young people).
Thai travel show.
Thai travel show.
Weird Travelers Thailand
Thai travel show.
Beer lovers show.
The Naked Show
Game show.
Thai Facebook…
The Trip Packer
Local travel group.
General discussion about ICT in Thailand, with occasional interviews in Thai.
Thai entertainment and comedy. Also on twitter: beargirlfriend.
Manee Has Chair is an educational spoof using the popular Manee books.
Thai cat comedy.
Stupid things clients do.
People to follow on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube…
Adam Bradshaw
Facebook: ajarnadam
YouTube: jadambrad
Twitter: @ajarnadam
Alif Silpachai
Facebook: AlifSilpachai
YouTube: alifshinobi
Twitter: @alifsilpachai
Andrew Biggs
Twitter: @andrewbiggs
Chris Wright
Facebook: Ajarnchris
YouTube: CW Playlist
Twitter: @thai_idioms
Website: Thai Women Talks
Book: Sex Talks
Sean Harley
Web/Blog: Speak Read Write Thai
Facebook: speakreadwritethai
Twitter: @SRWThai
Yuki and Miki – Pickup Thai Podcast
Website: PickUp Thai
Facebook: PickUpThai
YouTube: pickupthai
Twitter: @PickupThai
Creating your own Thai courses…
Anki is a powerful SRS (Spaced Repetition System) for learning languages (or anything else really). You can download for desktop from their website, iOS, and Android. At $24.99, only the iOS version isn’t free.
WLT: Creating Thai Anki Flashcard Decks with Audio and Pictures.
Flashcards Deluxe
There are a zillion flashcard iOS apps on the market but Flashcards Deluxe by orangeorapple.com is at the top of the heap.
If you know of useful Thai-Thai or Thai-English resources please contact me.