Being able to name colors in any language helps you paint a more vivid picture of your surroundings. Here’s a peek at some basic colors in Indonesian to brighten up your language skills:
- Merah – Red
- Mobil ini merah. (This car is red.)
- Saya suka baju merah. (I like red clothes.)
- Apel itu berwarna merah. (That apple is red.)
- Biru – Blue
- Langit hari ini biru. (The sky is blue today.)
- Saya punya sepatu biru. (I have blue shoes.)
- Hijau – Green
- Rumput ini hijau. (This grass is green.)
- Kami punya rumah hijau. (We have a green house.)
- Kuning – Yellow
- Matahari berwarna kuning. (The sun is yellow.)
- Saya suka bunga kuning. (I like yellow flowers.)
- Oranye – Orange
- Jeruk ini oranye. (This orange is orange.)
- Saya punya topi oranye. (I have an orange hat.)
- Ungu – Purple
- Gaun ini ungu. (This dress is purple.)
- Saya suka warna ungu. (I like the color purple.)
- Hitam – Black
- Kucing itu hitam. (That cat is black.)
- Saya punya sepeda hitam. (I have a black bike.)
- Putih – White
- Rumah ini putih. (This house is white.)
- Dia memakai baju putih. (She is wearing a white dress.)
- Cokelat – Brown
- Meja ini cokelat. (This table is brown.)
- Saya punya tas cokelat. (I have a brown bag.)
- Abu-abu – Gray
- Langit mendung ini berwarna abu-abu. (The cloudy sky is gray.)
- Saya suka jaket abu-abu. (I like the gray jacket.)
- Pink – Pink
- Bunga ini pink. (This flower is pink.)
- Dia memakai rok pink. (She is wearing a pink skirt.)
Using these colors, you can describe objects around you more vividly and make your sentences more colorful and engaging!