How to Order Food in Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesian restaurants are famous for their delicious dishes like soto. Now’s the perfect time to dive into Indonesian cuisine. But first, let’s get familiar with some key ingredients and food items you’ll encounter:

  • Keju – Cheese
  • Daging – Meat
  • Roti – Bread
  • Susu – Milk
  • Apel – Apple
  • Buah – Fruit
  • Sayur – Vegetables
  • Kentang – Potato
  • Ikan – Fish
  • Air – Water
  • Es krim – Ice cream

From comforting soups to spicy stews and mouthwatering skewers, Indonesian food is all about bold flavors and good times. Consider ordering something from the following list to truly savor the flavors of Indonesia:

  • Soto – Traditional soup
  • Rendang – Spicy beef stew
  • Nasi Goreng – Fried rice
  • Gado-Gado – Mixed vegetables with peanut sauce
  • Sate – Grilled meat skewers
  • Bakso – Meatball soup

Did your mouth start watering after going through this list? You’re likely itching to try at least one of these dishes, right? Make sure to remember their names—ordering them in your favorite restaurant will be a breeze, allowing you to savor the taste of Indonesia!

Example Scenario: Greeting and Seating

A: Halo, saya ingin pesan tempat untuk dua orang. (Hello, I would like to book a table for two.)

B: Selamat siang, ada tempat kosong? (Good afternoon, is there an available table?)

Example Scenario: Ordering Food and Drinks

A: Saya pesan soto satu, Pak. (Please, I would like to order soto.)

A: Saya mau satu porsi rendang. (I want one portion of rendang.)

A: Boleh saya lihat daftar minumannya? (May I have the drink menu?)

A: Tolong bawakan saya segelas air. (Can I have a glass of water, please?)

A: Saya pesan segelas es teh manis, ya. (I would like sweet iced tea, please.)

Example Scenario: Asking About the Food

A: Apa yang Bapak/Ibu rekomendasikan? (What is your recommendation?)

A: Apakah makanan ini pedas? (Is this food spicy?)

A: Apa ada pilihan vegetarian? (Are there vegetarian options?)

Example Scenario: Complimenting the Food

A: Saya suka sekali rendangnya. (I really like the rendang.)

A: Makanannya enak sekali, terima kasih! (The food is delicious, thank you!)

Example Scenario: Requesting the Bill

A: Tolong bawakan bonnya, ya. (Please, may I have the bill?)

A: Boleh saya bayar sekarang? (Can I pay now?)

A: Berapa total harganya? (How much is the total?)

Other Useful Phrases

  • Tolong tambah lagi nasinya. – Please add more rice
  • Apa ada makanan penutup? – Is there any dessert?
  • Saya alergi kacang. – I am allergic to peanuts
  • Terima kasih banyak atas pelayanannya! – Thank you very much for the service

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