Teach Yourself Thai Complete: The Winner… Again

Teach Yourself Thai Complete: Winner

This article was originally posted on WomenLearnThai.com.

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The Teach Yourself Thai Complete draw… again…

Well, this is a fun outcome (as well as a fabulous selling point for David Smyth’s new TYT). Last week I wrote a review and announced a draw: Complete Thai: David Smyth Updates Teach Yourself Thai.

And I didn’t do it alone, I had help from two fabulous bloggers in the Thai language community, Kaewmala (Thai Women Talks) and Ajarn Pasa (Tweet Yourself Thai). Kaewmala numbered papers, folded them neatly, put them into a bowl, and drew a number. Hamish (Ajarn Pasa) matched the number to a name.

This week I announced the results: Teach Yourself Thai Complete: The Winner

But when I emailed Peggy, the winner of TYT Complete, she replied with:

Purchased copy already (it sounded so good I couldn’t wait!)

Wow! First let me say thank you very much. But please can you draw again for someone else to win? I’ve already purchased a copy as I thought the program sounded good and that I was probably a long shot in winning the drawing.

It’s an excellent program–thanks Cat for highlighting it or I wouldn’t have heard of it. While I can easily read the Thai conversations, the ability to listen to them is what I really need help with–that’s the “hole” in my basic Thai language skills.

I bet the next drawing winner will find it’s a great resource!

Can do Peggy, can do πŸ™‚


The NEW winner of Teach Yourself Thai Complete…

So here we have it. Again. The winner. Only this time Hamish numbered the papers, folded them neatly, put them into a bowl, and drew a number.

Teach Yourself Thai Complete: Winner

And this time, Kaewmala will announce the winning name in the comments.

So once more, a special THANKS! from me goes to Kaewmala (Twitter: @Thai_Talk), Hamish (Twitter: @AjarnPasa), David Smyth, and everyone who left comments in the post. Ta!

10 thoughts on “Teach Yourself Thai Complete: The Winner… Again”

  1. Paul, so funny. I’ll be sure to grab you on the next draw, ok? πŸ™‚

    Trisha, again, congrats! Please come back to let us know how you are getting on with David’s course.

    Martyn, I agree, Peggy was grand in fessing up. And I believe the next product will be as interesting, so please stay tuned.

    Sophie, there will indeed be another and another. I’m sitting on extra copies of Thai learning products, and companies are emailing to offer more. So as you can imagine, I’m eager to start sharing them with everyone.

  2. Well, I think I am done pouting about not winning. Like Paul, I always feel a bit disappointed when I don’t win something. It surely was fun though and I hope you do another one some time in the future. Even though I didn’t win the new version, I am still very happy with my old one and continue to learn a lot from it. I am happy for Trisha and know she will really enjoy it.

  3. Congratulations to Trisha, I hope she gets hours of fun and years of benefit out of the prize. I also think Peggy deserves a bloody good pat on the back (can you do that to women, or is it just a man thing) for her honesty in not claiming the original prize draw. I hope Peggy gets full value and lots more from David’s language course which she purchased.

    Like everybody else, I’m looking forward to the next competition.

  4. Oh wow I am so excited to have won. Thanks so much. I can’t wait to get going with it. Namaste. Trisha

  5. Hi Jessie, I’m having a blast too πŸ™‚ Both Hamish and Kaewmala chose beautiful bowls to draw from and I’m looking forward to seeing what bowls appear next (yes, there will be many draws after this one).

    Agreed! They are amazing as Kaewmala and AjarnPasa have turned Thai into an adventure on twitter.

  6. Wow!! P’Cat… this is so fun. By the way, I like your drawing bowl.

    I’ve just followed you on Twitter, as well as Kaewmala and AjarnPasa. You guys are so amazing!!


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