Feel Like Donating?

When I received the below email, I created a special holiday post so that readers would at least consider the idea of donating to the SET Foundation.

[WLT is] Without doubt the best aggregator of Thai learning resources on the net. Congratulations. You should put up a link where people can contribute / donate. An impressed bloke!

Donate to the SET Foundation

Now that the holidays are over, I decided to create an official page to remind people of SET all year round. I wanted to mention something cheesy like “education isn’t just for Christmas” but that’d just be… cheesy, right?

As I’ve mentioned before, WLT is a hobby site; it’s not a money-maker. Sure, it takes money to run WLT and that’s fine. But I’ve learned so much about the Thai language and Thai culture since I started WLT, that I feel it’s me getting the main benefit.

Now about that donation idea…

If you feel that WLT is a worthwhile resource, then why not show your appreciation by donating to Peter Robinson’s SET Foundation? Or how about this – take WLT out of the equation and donate to SET regardless.

And what about buying ads on WLT? Well, you can’t. I don’t accept paid ads. But if you agree to donate to SET instead, then we just might have something to talk about.

SET is definitely a worthwhile cause. And with less than 3% of their income being spent on administration, your donations won’t be going to fancy offices, ott salaries, etc. To see what I mean, read one of my older posts: The SET Foundation: A Season for Giving Back.

SET posts on WLT: Archive for The SET Foundation
SET on Facebook: The SET Foundation
Again, to donate go to: The SET Foundation