
When WLT first began I was the only one writing posts but soon enough Guest Writers came along to help.

Rikker Dockam shared his wonderful Thai 101 Learner Series. Then Hugh Leong started an inspiring series too, Thai Language Thai Culture. Tod Daniels came in later with his Reviews of Thai Language Schools in Bangkok followed by Tod’s Thai. And now we have Sean Harley’s series featuring the Thai Cat Cartoons and Andrew Biggs’ ongoing series Thai Memories.

WLT also has single, double, and triple post writers. The growing list is here: Guest Writers.

On WLT there’s a simple kudos system for writers. As they accrue posts they move up the list and when they reach five posts they get their own page.

Guest writers are a driving force of WLT; I owe a HUGE thanks to all. And if you too have knowledge to share, please contact me.